Broken right clavicle (collarbone), for those of you who, like me, have forgotten high school anatomy.
I was riding through downtown Houghton on my way to the KBC last night, cranking pretty hard after some kind words from two of Wisconsin's finest in a pickup truck, and I turned too quickly onto the ramp to the parking deck. Somehow I'd forgotten about my studded tires, which don't grip at all on concrete.
My bike went out from under me, and I fell hard on my shoulder. My head hit the ground slightly after my shoulder, but thankfully my helmet absorbed all of that impact. I lay on the ground for a few seconds while I caught my breath and my wits, and got up to find three women had stopped to help. One wheeled my bike off to the sidewalk, and another offered to call someone. At that point I could tell something was wrong with my shoulder, but felt I had the presence of mind to make arrangements for myself. I called Nancy, who whisked me to the ER.
After a brief retelling of my life history and a quiz on my personal data, I got an x-ray and a visit from the practitioner on duty. He gave me a sling and a prescription for opiates, and told me to call the orthopedics department first thing in the morning. I could tell that my fracture was worse that most he'd seen.
Today I spoke with an orthopedic nurse, who had looked at my x-ray with an orthopedic surgeon and said that I would need surgery. I'll meet with them on Tuesday, and my surgery is scheduled for Thursday. Finally that titanium upgrade I've been hearing so much about.
So I'm off of running and riding for a while, sadly. I'm already bored of sitting around, but at least I'll be able to catch up on some reading.
Here, have a couple of helmet photos.